Whether he's being "suave and debonaire" or giving you his trademark "fangy grin", Alucard is rather difficult to ignore--should you be so silly as to try!

(Oh, and only Miranda calls him "Vlad"!)

Alucard (or Dracula, another name he has used over the centuries...) has spent most of his time as a Vampire Alone--until he got "mixed up" with the Hellsing Family, that is...

Things just haven't been the same since then, especially when Integra accidently woke him from a long, hungry sleep in her Hour of Need!

(Incidently, he would rather Integra didn't know that it's NOT those "Restrictions" that keeps him from making her into a "snack", Then or Now!)

Even Old Vampires have a Sense of Honor.....

Doesn't mean he can't still delight in annoying the Hell out of her, though...

(Oh, just " Hangin' Out" , Integra, Dear!)

However, that "Human Influence" does have it's disadvantages, like Compassion...

And having to occasionally be POLITE!



It's enough to make anyone bare their Fangs!

Or lose their Head altogether....

(No, Father Anderson wasn't responsible! At least not this time...)

Though Anderson DID have something to do with those KNIVES!------>


"Blast you, Anderson!"

"Not only did that HURT, but you just Ruined my BEST shirt!"


Alucard goes "HellHound", a lil' Trick that the kids at the Orphanage just LOVE to see him do!


See what a cute "Doggy" he makes!?


Alucard also "went Blond" for a short time, but you'll hafta' ask Ryoko about that, since they were "dating" (or "biting"--whatever) at the time....


So it would seem that "Sir Fangs-a-Lot" has us all "Captives" of his Boundless Charm!

(Well, except maybe Integra...)



Do NOT linger under Mistletoe!!!

However, if you visit the Hotel during the Christmas Season, do yourself a Favor and Don't IGNORE any Signs you may see like this one!


(Unless you enjoy rather "Fangy" Kisses!)

I do not own the copyright to the pictures of Alucard [in any form], Seras or Integra--Thanks go to Nocturnal Revelation [for the Manga pics], 454 [for the Anime pics] and Anime Galleries dot Net [for the "mug shots" n' others], the sites I borrowed these from.