Unit 5: Broadening our View of Salvation

Grade 9 10 11/12 year one 11/12 year two
Topic Prophetic call to social justice Paul: Freedom in Christ, Baptism etc. Salvation: More than a Ticket to Heaven Judgment and End Times
Resources FLR: Bad News, Good News: The Prophets Speak Truth to Power
Old Testament Prophets
Matthew 26
FLR: Morphed: New Life in Romans;
Selections from Paul’s letters

More Than a Ticket to Heaven

Curriculum designed by

Jo-Ann Brant


FLR: Apocalypse When? Daniel and Revelation;

FLR: Reconcilable Differences: Biblical Insights for Repairing Relationships

Jo-Ann Brant's Supplemental Lessons
Outcomes Name the injustices in our world
Find the call for social justice in the Bible
Identify the way that God’s prophets have called for justice and how we can respond to this call today
Explore the various ways Paul talks about salvation
Understand the notion of freedom that Paul teaches
Name the principalities and powers in our world that enslave us
Explore more personal encounters with God
Recognize forms of personal deliverance and comfort
Understand the relationships between judgment, justice, reconciliation, recreation

FLR: Faith and Life Resources, Mennonite Publishing House