Course: MUS 286 Guitar
Time: arr.
Room: 205 Music Center
Instructor: Matthias Stegmann
Phone: 7750 or 389-8126 (evening hours)


I. Course Description:
It is the goal of the course to provide a solid platform for a basic study of the classical guitar in specific, and other guitar styles in general. In order to achieve this goal special attention will be paid to the following aspects of classical guitar playing:
1. Proper sitting position
2. Good left and right hand positioning
3. Reading of musical notation; both traditional note- and chord symbols
4. Enhancement of the value of one's own leisure time through making music, either alone or with other people

II. Equipment Necessary:
1. Classical guitar (an acoustic will do for the first semester, however learning comes significantly easier on a classical guitar)
2. Adjustable footstool
3. A music stand will be in the studio, however the purchase of a music stand is highly recommended for reasons of good posture in home practice.

III. Literature necessary:
Initial package provided by the instructor; later materials may have to be purchased as the need arises.

IV. General Observations:
The global articulation of achievable goals in private instruction based music education is somewhat problematic, in that every individual that the teacher meets, comes from a different musical background. If one adds varying musical talent and learning paces to the equation, one encounters a situation that requires a great deal of flexibility, as far as general expectations are concerned. Consequently the course of study will have to be tailored to the needs and possibilities of the individual student.

V. Assignments:
General: The student is expected to know all fingering symbols. This will be tested at midterm. Deficiency in this area will lower the grade by one letter grade.
A list of the symbols can be found at: Look at General Explanation of Signs. Don't worry about the chapter on "Transposable Scales" that follow that short section.
1. Daily private practice (initial minimum of 20-30 minutes recommended)
2. Regular attendance of student recitals


VI. Final Exams:
1. Juries as scheduled by the music department

VII. Attendance:
Regular attendance is crucial for the success of this course. I will grant one unexcused absence per semester. Every additional absence will result in a lowering of the grade by one letter grade.

VIII. Syllabus Statement Regarding Disability Accommodations:

"Goshen College wants to help all students be as academically successful as possible. If you have a disability and require accommodations, please contact the instructor early in the semester so that your learning needs may be appropriately met. In order to receive accommodations, documentation concerning your disability must be on file with the Academic Support Center, KU004, x 7576, All information will be held in the strictest confidence." The Academic Support Center offers tutoring and writing assistance for all students. For further information please see

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