Performer Profile

Picture taken from:

Sharon Isbin Website

The discography section has some cool WAV and Quicktime samples


Year of Birth:




 Sharon Isbin




Dreams of a World (Teldec Classics International 3984-25736-2)

Journey to the Amazon (Teldec Classics International 0630-19899-2)

Wayfaring Stranger (Erato 3984-23419-2)

American Landscapes (EMI/Virgin Classics #55083)

Nightshade Rounds (EMI/Virgin Classics #45024)

Rodrigo: Concierto de Aranjuez (EMI/Virgin Classics #59024)

Love Songs & Lullabies (EMI/Virgin Classics #61480)

Road to the Sun Estrada do Sol (EMI/Virgin Classics #59591)

J.S. Bach: Complete Lute Suites
(EMI/Virgin Classics #59503)


*The recordings mentioned are part of my personal collection, and do not necessarily constitute a complete representation of the artist.


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