Practicing scientific notation and all that

A.) Convert to scientific notation: E.g. 20,000,000=$2\times 10^7$

  1. 1.) 0.003=________
  2. 2.) 100,000=_______
  3. 3.) 0.210=_______
  4. 4.) 7,800=_______


B.) Convert from scientific notation: E.g. $3.4\times 10^{-3}=0.0034$

  1. 1.) $5\times 10^4$=________
  2. 2.) $6\times 10^{-2}$=_______
  3. 3.) $6.58\times10^{5}$=_______


C.) Carry out the multiplication or division E.g. $3\times 10^{-3}\times.2=3\times 10^{-3}\times 2\times10^{-1}=(3\times 2)\times(10^{-3}\times10^{-1})=6\times 10^{-4}$

  1. $1\times10^4\ \times\ 3 \times 10^2$=

  2. $2\times10^{-2}\ \times\ 4.4\times10^3=$

  3. $9.0 \times 10^{5}/ 2.0\times 10^{3}=$

  4. $10^{-3} / 10^{-6}=$

  5. $3.2\times 10^2 / 0.08=$

You should be able to do all these problems without a calculator. Make sure you can! But by all means check your results on a calculator or use .

Here's how you would enter $2.3\times10^5\ \times\ 1.9\times 10^{-4}$ on wolfram alpha (WA):


and a number like $10^{-3}=1\times 10^{-3}$ gets entered as 1e-3.

Many calculators have a key labelled EE which does the same thing as e on WA.
