Writing with detail and examples

My new basement apartment was infested with mice!

[M]y roommates and I went out and purchased eight mice traps. We set them all around the basement and within seven hours we had caught three! The traps were again set and we caught another two. We also were able to corner and catch one, which we released [at] Bainter Town.

Coral is cool!

Coral is one of the most interesting species in the world. It's technically a plant and an animal at the same time. The animal is soft and grows a hard skeleton underneath the soft tissue. Within the tissues comes the plant aspect of coral where you can find tiny organelles that perform photosynthesis.

instead of just "I forgot my wallet"

[At Kroger's] my hand held cart was soon halfway full. Then my heart dropped. My hands frantically patted my pockets but I already knew the answer to their question.

I trust he knows what he's talking about

Using an example:

[I] started to believe in him when I saw how long his goldfish lasted.

"Words are more powerful than weapons"


  • Well chosen details can make a passage more memorable and interesting.
  • Details can include emotions as well as facts.
  • An example lends support to a claim you're making.
  • An example can illustrate and demonstrate a more general concept.