Cost of food vs electricity

What’s the cost of 1 kwh of food Goshen College?

Let’s say that you’re paying for the standard meal plan at Goshen College. What are you paying for 1 kwh of food energy?

A few years ago, our website said that the cost of board was $3750 for each academic year. Is an academic year 365 days? Use any conversion factors you and your partner can agree on, for example the number of weeks in each academic year, and the number of days in each week, or the number of months for each academic year and the (average) number of days in each month, in order to estimate the cost of food for each day under the GC meal plan:






Now use the USDA “cereal panel” figure of a typical diet being 2000 Calories (food Calories) for each day to figure out how much you pay for each Calorie (“Dollars for each Calorie”):






Now figure out your cost per kWh (dollars for each kWh). There are 860 Calories in each 1 kWh. [How do you convert from “Dollars for each calorie” to “Dollars for each kWh”?]