Keep America Beautiful

Your Carbon Footprint

Something remarkable

“Even a homeless person living in a fossil fuel powered society has an unsustainably high carbon footprint,”
  • The minimal impact of Covid on emissions
  • Only 9% lower emissions during Covid... there must be so much more to our emissions than just transportation.
  • Asking people on the street (UK) about their contributions to climate change.
  • [Corporations have responsibility] but individual choices still matter.
  • "more productive argument in my opinion is to try and figure out what we can do as individuals to try and improve the climate".
  • Changes that corporations make will have a bigger impact than individuals.
  • One-time use products (including wrapping fruit in the dining hall) should be stopped.
  • there is obviously no harm in being as efficient as you can in your day to day life; however...
  • The way these companies have deceptively advertised their lack of responsibility is truly fascinating,...
  • If bike paths were more accessible or safe, then people would choose to bike more
  • picking up trash in a public area feels good!