Luke Gascho - Farming with trees

[Above: Alley cropping - Walnut trees flank corn (maize) in a field in France]

Agroforestry - is the idea of growing food on trees, or together with trees.

Dr. Luke Gascho is the recently-retired director of Merry Lea. He continues to experiment with trees and agriculture.

Luke is trying out farming in ways that he think might work for farmers in Northern Indiana. It's his own unique "bag of tricks", but it overlaps with some of these agroforestry practices, among others:

Visit to Luke Gascho's Tree Garden, November, 2021 (29 minutes). Turn up the volume, this was a little

Luke has been particularly inspired by:

Field trip

We'll meet at his farm / home by 2:10 PM on the day (depending on weather) we go. Go South (past the GC athletic fields) on the bikepath, until you reach a road--Kercher Road. Don't cross Kercher Road. Just look for the rows of planted trees on your right. You're there!

Parking is limited