Final writing submission

In your final submission, you'll submit

  • the final draft of your research paper and
  • a brief reflective essay.
  • [Optional] Another assignment or piece that you've written in class as 'evidence' for your reflective essay.

    The prompt for the reflective essay (1-2 pages) is to reflect on something you've learned in this class using the languages and concepts developed in the class. You *may* include if you wish, some piece of writing, or assignment other than the final paper to accompany the reflective essay.

    Final paper submission checksheet

    My assignment is to explore, through a written research paper, a topic on humanity's relationship to Earth's environment. My deadline is the beginning of our final exam slot, Friday, December 11.

    • I typed up a digital version of my paper, which comes out to 7-9 pages double-spaced, 1 inch margins (not counting the list of works cited).
    • I included my name, the class, the date and a title on the first page.
    • I organized my paper, using section headers to make the structure of my paper easily visible, and minimize the need for transition sentences. The section headers would also function as a high-level outline of my paper.
    • I supported statements of fact with evidence from sources which I cited and documented in my "Bibliography" or "List of Works Cited".
    • I documented my sources in a standard style: Either APA or MLA style.
    • I turned on a spell checker to catch the easy-to-catch mistakes.
    • I asked someone else to look at (at a minimum) my introduction and conclusions and give me feedback.
    • After it seemed this draft was done I did a last round of editing--re-reading my paper to catch harder-to-catch mechanical issues.
    • I deposited the final draft in a "Final submission" folder in my Google Drive shared folder.