Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates [11.8]

Polar coordinates (2-d)

$(x,y)\to (r,\theta)$: $$r^2=x^2+y^2;\ \ \ \tan \theta = \frac yx.$$

$(r,\theta)\to(x,y)$: $$x=r\cos\theta;\ \ \ y=r\sin\theta.$$

Cylindrical coordinates (3-d)

Polar coordinates in the $x-y-$plane, plus $z$ which is the same in cylindrical and Cartesian coordinates.

For example


  • $x=r\cos\theta = 2 (-\frac 12)=-1$
  • $y=r\sin\theta=2 (\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2})=\sqrt 3$
  • $z=z=1$

N.B. If an angle measure doesn't explicitly have the degree mark, ${}^o$, it's in radians!

All the computer / math packages I've used, work primarily in radians.

Converting $$\pi \text{ radians} = \frac 12\text{ rotation} = 180^o.$$ So, for example, $\pi/6$ radians... $$\frac{\pi}{6}\text{ radians}\cdot \frac{180^o}{\pi\text{ radians}}=\frac{180^o}{6}=30^o.$$

Some surfaces

...which are easily specified in cylindrical coordinates



Spherical coordinates (3-d)

  • $\rho$ - "rho" - radial distance
  • $\theta$ - "theta" - azimuthal angle
  • $\phi$ - "phi" - polar angle

This is the convention used by publishers of calculus textbooks, and Wolfram's own MathWorld website.

However, physicists, engineers, Mathematica (in some contexts), MatLab, and even applied mathematicians use a different convention, where $\theta$ is the polar angle and $\phi$ is the azimuthal angle.


In this course, we'll use the calc-textbook convention:

Use $r\equiv$ projection of $\rho$ into $x-y-$plane=$\rho\sin\phi$:

  • $x=r\cos\theta = \rho \sin\phi \cos\theta.$
  • $y=r\sin\theta = \rho \sin\phi \sin\theta.$
  • $z=\rho \cos \phi.$


  • $\rho^2 = x^2+y^2+z^2.$
  • $\tan\theta = \frac yx.$
  • $\cos\phi =\frac z\rho.$

Discuss limits of angles phi and theta.


$(\rho,\theta,\phi)=(2,\pi/4,\pi/3) \to (x,y,z)$?

  • $z=\rho \cos \frac{\pi}{3} = 1$
  • $r=\rho \sin \frac{\pi}{3} = \sqrt 3$
  • $x=r \cos \frac{\pi}{4}=\sqrt{3/2}\approx 1.22$
  • $y=r \sin \frac{\pi}{4}\approx 1.22$

Surfaces in spherical coordinates




  • Animation at
  • In GeoGebra, you can plot a Surface( [x function], [y function], [z function], .....) parametrically in terms of two parameters. For example, a sphere.
  • Spherical Coordinates (*.nb)
    "Spherical Coordinates" from the Wolfram Demonstrations Project,Contributed by: Jeff Bryant

To do

  • Describe me:

    Come up with an expression (in cylindrical coordinates) to approximately describe the surface of a goblet:

    Find an equation (well, actually several), $r(z),$ such that if you rotate the graph about the $z$ axis you'll get a shape that resembles a goblet . You'll actually need one equation for each vertical segment of the goblet. And then, if you don't specify $\theta$, it can take on any possible value. This is produces a "surface of rotation".

    To actually code this in Geogebra, you'll use the Surface(...) function, which allows you to specify a set of points, using two parameters.

    For example, a crude base to the goblet, might be to specify a straight cross section, (I'm thinking in millimeters): $$r(z)=10-10z\ \text{ for }\ 0\lt z \lt 1$$ and then "rotate" this graph, by letting $\theta$ run from 0 to $2\pi$.

    In the $(x,y,z)$ coordinates that Geogebra wants, you'd have: $$\nonumber x(\theta,z)=r(z)cos(\theta);$$ $$\nonumber y(\theta,z)=r(z)sin(\theta);$$ $$\nonumber z(\theta,z)=z$$

    Here's the example.

    You'll plot this in today's lab

(Further detail about how to "hand in" this assignment in the "Lab 04" notebook file for today on CoCalc.)

Image credits

Bethan Phillips