Exam 1 (midterm) study guide

You may prepare one page of notes to bring to the exam, and you may consult your textbook. Bring writing instruments and a calculator.

Chapter 1 - Newton's laws

  • Vectors, dot products, cross products, addition and subtraction. Separating vector equations into components.
  • Newton's laws, and what constitutes an "inertial reference frame".
  • Using Newton's second law, $\myv F=m\ddot{\myv r}$, in Cartesian and non-cartesian coordinate systems.

Some practice problems in Chapter 1: 2, 4, 6, 24, 25, 30, 35, 44

Chapter 2 - Projectiles and Charged particles

  • Setting up equations of motion (differential equation) with a velocity-dependent force (air resistance or Lorentz force).
  • Solving differential equations by using separation of variables.
  • Qualitative characteristics of motion with linear or quadratic resistance.
  • Setting up equations of motion with electric and magnetic fields.
  • Qualitative behavior of a charged particle moving in an electric field; moving in a magnetic field.
  • Origin of linear and quadratic resistance. Dependence on what characteristics of the body / medium.
  • Coupled differential equations.
  • Complex numbers as 2-d vectors in Cartesian ($a+bi$) and polar ($Re^{i\theta}$) representations.
  • Use of Complex variables to represent circular motion and periodic motion (also in Chapter 5) .

Some practice problems in Chapter 2; 5, 7, 8, 15, 23, 46

Chapter 3 - Momentum and Angular Momentum

  • Conservation of linear and angular momentum; Solving problems using conservation of momentum.
  • Expressions for total linear / angular momentum of a system of particles.
  • Calculation and use of: Center of mass; Moment of inertia; External and internal forces; Torques.
  • Using the rocket equation.

Some practice problems in Chapter 3: 2, 7, 15, 16, 29, 31, example 3.3.

Chapter 4 - Energy

  • Kinetic energy and the "Work-Kinetic Energy" theorem.
  • Calculating work done by a force from the line (path) integral $W(1\to 2)= \int_1^2\myv F\cdot d\myv r$.
  • Conservative forces: Characteristics of a conservative force; How to detect if a force field is conservative, the curl test: $\myv{\grad}\times \myv F\stackrel{?}{=} 0$; Connection to potential energy, $U$.
  • For conservative forces, using $\myv F=-\myv\grad U$; Finding $U$ from $\myv F(\myv r)$ (either guessing and checking, or integrating...); The vast simplification of work integrals for conservative forces: $\Delta W=\int_{\myv r_1}^{\myv r_2}\myv F\cdot d\myv r=U(\myv r_1)-U(\myv r_2)$.
  • Mechanical energy, $E=T+U$; Using conservation of energy, $\dot E=0$ to find an equation of motion.
  • Analyzing a physical system to come up with an expression for potential energy, kinetic energy.
  • For linear and curvilinear 1-d systems, analyzing motion from a graph of $U(x)$: equilibrium points, detecting stable/unstable equilibria, turning points, max- and minimum speeds, (and eventually relative frequencies of oscillation for small amplitude motions).
  • Central forces
  • Using gradient / cross product definitions in Cartesian and non-Cartesian coordinate systems (particularly cylindrical and spherical-polar coordinates.

Some practice problems in Chapter 4: 2, 10, 12, 13, 15, 20, 23, 34, 36

Chapter 5 - Oscillations

The exam will cover sections 5.1, 5.2, and 5.4.

  • Taylor expansion of any continuous potential energy function near an equilibrium is $$U(x)\approx U(x_0) + \frac 12k(x-x_0)^2$$ where the equilibrium position, $x_0$, of the potential energy function satisfies $\left.\frac{\del U}{\del x}\right|^{x=x_0}=0$, and $$k\equiv\left.\frac{\del^2 U}{\del x^2}\right|^{x=x_0}$$
  • The harmonic oscillator differential equation $$m\ddot x(t)=-kx(t).$$ or $$\ddot x = -\frac km x=-\omega_0^2x.$$ Different forms of the solutions include sine + cosine function, a sine function with a phase shift, the real part of a complex exponential. In each case there are two constants in the general solution which can be fixed by specifying initial conditions (typically the position and velocity at $t=0$, but any two constraints can work).
  • Maximum kinetic energy, maximum potential energy of a simple harmonic oscillator.
  • Analyzing physical systems to find a restoring force.
  • Damped harmonic oscillation satifying the differential equation $$\ddot x +2\beta\dot x+\omega_0^2x=0.$$ The general solutions for weak damping, critical damping, and strong damping, and how the relation between $\beta$ and $\omega_0$ determines which of these regimes will satisfy the differential equation.

Some practice problems in chapter 5: 3, 5, 6, 22. Examples 5.1 and 5.2.