Laplace's equation

We know that $\myv\grad\cdot \myv E(\myv r)=\frac{\rho(\myv r)}{\epsilon_0}$. Therefore, in regions where there is no charge density ($\rho(\myv r)=0$) Laplace's equation for the electric potential must be satisfied: $$\grad^2 V(\myv R)= \frac{\del^2V}{\del x^2}+\frac{\del^2V}{\del y^2}+\frac{\del^2V}{\del z^2} =0$$


I will not go through the proof. Griffiths shows that:

First uniqueness theorem

The solution to Laplace's equation in some volume ${\cal V}$ is uniquely determined if
  • $V(\myv r)$ is specified on the surface ${\cal S}$ which is the boundary of ${\cal V}$.

There is a corollary to this:

    The potential in some volume ${\cal V}$ is uniquely determined if $V(\myv r)$ is specified on all boundaries of ${\cal V}$, and the charge density throughout the region is specified.

A second uniqueness theorem that we will also take advantage of is:

Second uniqueness theorem

In a volume ${\cal V}$ containing conductors and (between them) a specified charge density, $\rho(\myv r)$, the Electric field is uniquely determined if
  • the total charge on each conductor is given.

The region can either be bounded by another conductor, or completely unbounded.

Read by next class, section 3.15 and 3.16, and make sure you understand the justification for the corollary.

Image solutions

Consider the following problem: A charge of $+q$ is positioned a distance $d$ above the origin, and above an infinite conducting plane in the $xy$ plane. The conducting plane is grounded, so that the potential on the plane is $V(z=0)=0$.

A second condition is that, as usual, we expect $V(r\to\infty)=0$.

What is the electric potential, $V(\myv r)$, in the region above the conducting plane?

First, sketch the field lines you anticipate:

The answer is: $$V(\myv r)=\frac{1}{4\pi \epsilon_0}\left[ \frac{q}{\sqrt{x^2+y^2+(z-d)^2}} -\frac{q}{\sqrt{x^2+y^2+(z+d)^2}} \right].$$ That is...the same as if there were no conducting plane, but there were a single charge $-q$ at $z=-d$ below the origin. (!!)

Again, sketch the field lines...

Do problem 3.6.

Read 3.2, and make sure you understand how to calculate the charge density on the conducting surface using Griffith's Eq (2.48), there's a relation between the electric field and surface charge density: $$\myv E=\frac{\sigma}{\epsilon_0}\uv n.$$

Several of you wondered if, in problem 3.7, you could have a single image charge of (minus) the average charge, $+q$, at (minus) the average position, $-2d$. (As shown at right).

Let's see if this would give us a constant (V=0) potential at z=0. To make the math easy, let's take $q=$1 Coulomb and $d=$1 meter. Then, in units of $1/(4\pi\epsilon_0)$...

  • The potential at $\myc{0,0,0}$ would be: $$\begineq V_\text{origin}&= \frac{-2}{\sqrt{1^2}}+\frac{+1}{\sqrt{3^2}}+\frac{+1}{\sqrt{2^2}}\\ &=-2+\frac13+\frac12=-\frac 76=-1.166667.\endeq$$
  • at $\myc{x,y,z}=\myc{0,10,10}$ the potential would be: $$\begineq V_{<0,10,10>}&= \frac{-2}{\sqrt{1^2+10^2+10^2}}+\frac{+1}{\sqrt{3^2+2*10^2}}+\frac{+1}{\sqrt{2^2+2*10^2}}\\ &=-0.00052.\endeq$$

So the potential is neither constant nor zero everywhere at $z=0$.

We really need *both* image charges ($+2q$ at $z=-d$ and $-q$ at $z=-3d$) to get the same (0) potential everywhere at $z=0$.