the final exam

...will be an oral examination concentrating on the material since the mid term.

Time dependence of quantum states

  • Solving the time-dependent Sch. equation
  • "Tacking on" the time dependence $e^{-iEt/\hbar}$ works with energy eigenstates

The EPR paradox

  • What was the challenge to quantum theory?
  • The assumptions behind hidden variable theories: Realism and locality.
  • The entangled singlet state $\ket \psi = \frac1{\sqrt 2}\ket{\uparrow\downarrow}-\frac1{\sqrt 2}\ket{\downarrow\uparrow}$.
  • What Bell's theorem, and tests of that theorem have shown.

Particles and wave functions

  • The time-independent Sch equation. Solutions? (oscillating and non-oscillating)
  • Solutions for the infinite and finite square well and delta function well.
  • Parallels with matrix mechanics: Dot products, probabilities, expectation values, time dependence, normalization: Know how to set up integrals to calculate these things.
  • Sketching solutions: Solving the Sch time independent eqn in terms of a second derivative ($\Rightarrow$ curvature), $V-E$, curving towards or away from the $x$ axis: $$\frac{\del^2 \varphi(x)}{\del x^2}=\frac{2m(V(x)-E)}{\hbar^2}\varphi(x).$$
  • Approach to finding exact solutions:
    1. Finding general solution to Sch equation (differential equation):
    2. particular solutions in different regions, depending on $V-E$
    3. apply appropriate boundary conditions
    4. apply normalization constraint.
    5. Most general solution is superposition of eigenstates.
  • Free particle solutions and new approach to normalization