This week we are using "I2C" routines to communicate with the Pololu stepper motor drivers.
I2C refers to the the Inter-Integrated Circuit protocol or $I^2C$. It's a communication protocol:
- One (or several) microcontroller(s)
- can send and receive information
- to multiple peripheral devices (motors, rangefinders, computer memory, sensors,....)
- using just two wires!
- Each peripheral has to have a unique address.
- meant for short distance, wired, serial (not parallel) communication: several meters.
What is "short"? All wires act as antennas. Omnipresent electromagnetic waves will cause oscillations and interfere with your signals. Also, higher frequency signals tend to disperse / degrade the longer they travel.
- Cheap, not particularly fast, but still 10-100 Kilo bits per second are routine.
Also called the two wire interface (that's why we're always doing things like: #include <wire.h>
See also: A guide to Arduino & the I2C Protocol (Two Wire) - arduino.cc if (! $homepage){ $stylesheet="/~paulmr/class/comments.css"; if (file_exists("/home/httpd/html/cment/comments.h")){ include "/home/httpd/html/cment/comments.h"; } } ?>