College Mennonite Church

Four Year High School Sunday School Curriculum
Designed by Kristen Hoober and Jo-Ann A. Brant

In order to ensure that a variety of key topics gets covered within the four years that a student is in high school with as little repetition and omission as possible, College Mennonite Church began to follow a four year curriculum in the Fall of 2002. Because our group is large enough to break into grade level groups, we have also tried to design a curriculum that takes into account the social, cognitive and spiritual development of our teens. Wherever possible, we have used the curriculum from the Faith and Life Resources of the Mennonite Publishing House. At the end of our first year using this curriculum, teachers were so enthusiastic, they all agreed to continue for a second year.

The curriculum is also designed to cover a wide range of scripture. In the course of four years, we hope that students familiarize themselves with all parts of the canon.

While we broke into smaller groups to study the curriculum, we began each Sunday with a large group sharing time and opening reflection of worship. About once a month, we stayed in the large group. For example, we participated in the College age worship (Morning Song) and visited Eglesia Del Buen Pastor (with whose youth group we are partners). We also interrupted our plans to respond to international crises.

The following is a quick overview of the units. A more elaborate description with objectives and resources can be found by clicking on the name of the unit. In some cases, complete lesson plans are provided.

Units Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11/12 yr 1 Grade 11/12 yr 2
1. The Gospels (5) Mark: Discipleship Matthew: Righteousness John: Wonders and Miracles Luke: Parables
2. Christian Life (5) Hearing God’s blessing Simplicity What is Anabaptism? Naming and Using your Gifts
3. Church Life (4) Kingdom Living Why go to Church÷ Who is the Church? The Mission of the Church
4. Exploring Worship       Spiritual Disciplines
5. Broadening our view of Salvation (4) Prophetic call to social justice Paul: Freedom in Christ, Baptism etc. Salvation is more than a ticket to heaven Judgment and End Times
6. Being Male and Female in Christ (4-5) Gender Dating Christian Marriage Sexuality

Because of calendar restraints, we are collapsing units 2 and 3 during the 2003-04 year. The grade 9 and 10 groups ended the school year finishing those units. The grade 11/12 group finished the year with the spiritual disciplines unit. This unit works best when the weather permits the group to go outside for several of the sessions.

Supplemental Curriculum:

1. Death and Dying

2. One of the significant aspects of our curriculum is a focus upon Peace. Each student receives a hard back note book in which to record their thoughts and their witness as peace makers. Many of the lessons in the curriculum provide opportunities to make additions to their journals. We also encourage students to keep a log of service projects. In the Mennonite tradition, voluntary service in which we build up and restore lives stands as a counterpoint to conscripted military service in destructive wars. Our peace curriculum culminates in a Seniors for Peace service. During a Sunday School hour toward the end of the year, members of "Seniors for Peace" join the group to share a few short statements about peace and to recite a litany with MYF Seniors who make statements about their own convictions. The MYF seniors receive "Seniors for Peace" t-shirts, swords to plowshares pins, and the CMC book of stories of conscientious objectors from our congregation.

3. Pop Culture Resources: films, music and other phenomena of popular culture that can be used as resources in Christian education.

We hope that by providing our curriculum on-line that we can be of service to other high school Sunday school teachers and coordinators.

Yours in Christ, Kristen Hoober and Jo-Ann Brant